Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Happy Readoption Day, Meigan Samantha Li Conley!

Yesterday we went to court for Meigan's readoption and she is now officially, Meigan Samantha Li Conley! The readoption process is something that many adoptive parents don't worry about for awhile. Chinese adoptions are finalized in China and Meigan has been a US citizen since we have had her, but in order to a get a birth certificate that looks just like what you would get from the hospital, it is another legal hoop you have to jump through. In our case, even more so because unbeknownst to us while in China, None of Meigan's documents had her American name on them. This was something her province was supposed to do, but didn't. Needless to say because of that we had to apply for SS card under her Chinese name. We had nothing legally with her American name. Generally the only way to get the name changed and the birth cert. is to hire an attorney and go to court for a short hearing. Thanks to a wonderful family here in Naples who have adopted from China twice, we represented ourselves and saved possibly $3000 dollars! They had the paperwork needed to do this and all I did was retype the petition with our info, and turn it into the clerk of courts office. I called to get a hearing date and that was that.
The judge asked a few questions, we gave him the court order to sign and took some pics. Afterward Scott, Meigan and I celebrated with ice cream, yum:)
We missed the rest of the family, but they are in Gatlinburg and we'll see them soon!

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Birthday Party Fun and Happy Birthday Logan!

Having fun in the pool!
Jennifer and Dom, BFF
Liam and Logan
Logan's Shrek cake
Happy 10th birthday, Logan!

I'm a little behind, but I wanted to post some pics of our weekend of birthday fun! Saturday we celebrated Jennifer's friend, Domonique's 5th birthday with a big pool bash and Sunday was Logan's day of fun in the sun at the lake. He celebrated his birthday with his friend Luk and by Sunday night we all crashed early!

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Big News!

Well, Scott and I are back from Houston. We had an awesome time visiting my cousin and her husband. The big secret was though that I had an interview for a teaching position there and we were seriously considering moving there. The crazy twist though was that the day before we left, Scott got a call from City of Chattanooga about a job he had interviewed for a month ago. Not having heard from them until then, we pretty much figured he didn't get it. Well, he was offered the job and we had until Monday to decide. After finding out I would have more certification hoops to jump through, Scott accepted the job in Tn. which is where we ultimately wanted to be. My parents are now in Gatlinburg most of the time and Chattanooga is 2 1/2 hrs. away. So, Scott is to start work July 9th! That leaves us a month to get out of Dodge! We will be heading up there in a couple of weeks to look for a place. Crazy, I know, but considering in less than a year we have had just about every major life event happen to us, I guess we are ready to take the leap of faith and build our wings on the way down:)