Monday, November 27, 2006

Bear Sightings! and Rocky

Back From Ky. and Tn. !

Jennifer, Meigan, Tiffany (cousin) and Grandma (Scott's mom)
Not so sure I like being this bundled up! (Meigan and Gaga)
Jennifer loved the snow!
Logan and Cody (cousin) Two peas in a pod!
Trinity, Jennifer, Meigan and Brittany (twin cousins)

We had a great Thanksgiving holiday visiting with lots of family!
We left Fri. Nov. 17th right from the hospital after Meigan's tubes were put in. She did great, but really didn't sleep like we thought she would on our way up to Ky.. Go figure! The next day we visited my cousin, Scott,in Ohio, who had a big screen tv so we could watch the Ohio Michigan game. Awesome game! OSU kicked butt!
Sunday my grandma had a big get together at her house in KY. with lots of aunts,
uncles and cousins. About 40 people all together. Meigan was a bit overwhelmed at first but enjoyed playing with her new cousins. That night it was more visiting when we drove over to Ohio to see Scott's family. Meigan makes the 7th grandchild for Scott's parents.
Monday, my parents, grandma, Jenn, Meigan and I drove down to Gatlinburg to my parents Mtn. Chalet. It is beautiful and so peaceful. Tues. my mom's cousin, Brenda, and her son and his family drove down to spend Thansgiving with us for a few days. The girls had a great time playing with their twin cousins, Brittany and Trinity. That morning also, Scott, Logan and Rocky made it in after driving all night! We spent the evening on a double date with Rodney and Theresa enjoying the shops and snuggle weather in downtown Gatlinburg.
We had a huge feast for Thanksgiving! Stuffed ourselves silly! Thank you Brenda and Theresa for the delicious food!
Fri., Scott's parents, sister and brother and their kids drove down to spend time with us for a couple of days. We had fun shopping and visiting. The kids had a blast with their cousins.
Rocky loved Tn. too! He would run around my parent's deck like a greyhound track!
He loved running down the hill in back and rolling in leaves. He's still up there with my parents until tues. when they come back. Last I heard, he was digging in a big dirt pile.
We drove 17 hrs. yesterday to get home. It should take 14 hrs.,but with three kids... We got home about 10 last night and literally crashed in bed.
Now it's back to reality... school, dr. visits, bills. Can't wait till we can go back!

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Princess Diaries

Look out, there's a new princess in town!
Ready for the ball!

Today was Meigan's post op visit with Dr. Stelnicki. He said her palate looked wonderful and now she can eat whatever she wants! She is scheduled for her lip revision on Jan. 18th. He is going to totally reconstruct her top lip. I tease that she's going to have Angelina Jolie lips! Her nose will be repaired as she gets closer to 3. So, after the tubes Fri., we'll catch a break for a little while and just enjoy the holidays (and put the blender in the cupboard!)
We leave for Ky. and Tn. on Fri. but hopefully will be able to post pics on the laptop.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Dr. Visits

Not a fun day for Meigan or myself today. This morning we went to the ear, nose, and throat specialist, Dr. Donaldson. He looked in her ears and tryed to clean them, but really to no avail. We then had to go to another room. I had to lay Meigan on the table and practically lay across her as the nurse held her head still and the dr. looked through a microscope thing to better see inside her ears. During which, Meigan was screaming bloody murder! He got very little out saying material was so inbedded it would be impossible to clean with her awake. Then we went down the hall for her hearing test. Took her a few minutes to calm down before we could even attempt it. Meigan and I went into a little soundproof room where she sat on my lap. Speakers and stuffed toys were on each side of us. The audiologist would say things or send sounds to try to get her to look which way the sound was coming from. She pretty much failed that test. She can hear loud sounds but nothing low or normal speaking tones. Could definately be the reason for her speech deficiancy.
She couldn't even hear chinese correctly so makes sense why she has no language other than her baby garble.
Because of the mess in her ears and with the hearing, Dr. Donaldson wants the tubes put in her ears asap. She needs antibiotics to clear up her sinus infection first and her tube surgery will be Fri. ,Nov. 17 in Ft. Myers. We will have to be there pretty early. That was the day my parents, Jennifer, Meigan and I were planning to head north. We probably still will. Procedure lasts about 15-20 min. Went through the same thing with Jennifer and she was fine.
Our next dr. visit this afternoon was to the dentist. She fell asleep on the way there and stayed asleep until she woke up on the papoose board and was wrapped up like a cacoon! Time to scream again! This time she was having two composite fillings on her front teeth. Nothing painful, but scary for her. She walked out with a purple plastic dolphin and a smile so I guess I didn't traumatise her too much! Long day anyway, to say the least.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Welcome Home Meigan Party!

"Going down the big slide by myself!"
Too beautiful to eat!
"Opening my presents!"
"I got a new baby doll!"
"Enjoying a little bit of my cake!"

Some of my dearest friends had a "Welcome Home Meigan Party" for Meigan today. It was the perfect day. Beautiful weather for a party at the park. Everyone enjoyed themselves and the kids all had a great time playing together. Meigan enjoyed getting presents and playing on the playground with Gaga, (my mom). The cake was almost too beautiful to eat! We stayed till the sun went down. Thank you, dear friends, for such a wonderful celebration!
Meigan is still on soft foods at least till the 14th of Nov. when she sees Dr. Stelnicki. The blender has become my best friend. I feel like a mad scientist concocting all kinds of weird things, but Meigan eats any of it. I never made baby food for Logan or Jennifer, but it's really been kinda fun throwing whatever I can in the blender and liquifying it! She is still quite the little piglet!
Wed. we see the ENT to check her ears and hearing. We know there are some hearing issues, but to what extent hopefully we will find out soon. Usually easily corrected with tubes.