Friday, December 29, 2006

Friday Happenings

It's been very strange around here with 2 less kids (and quieter). Logan and Jennifer are up north with my parents visiting cousins and grandparents, aunts and uncles. So, until next weekend, it's just Scott, Meigan, Rocky and me. Meigan and I were at the mall today looking for some bargains. She got some new jammies.
Before going home, I stopped by Praise FM radio station. They were just awesome helping us raise money for travel expenses and getting the word out about our rummage sale last July. I hadn't had an opportunity to come by since we had Meigan and today we really had nowhere to go. We met Arnie the DJ outside the studio and he asked if I could come on the radio at 3:30 today with Meigan. I rush up the road to Wal-Mart to buy a few snacks since I knew that would keep her occupied.
Meigan had her first radio debut uttering "hi" several times into the big microphone which fasinated her. Of course, I didn't have my camera but they did take a couple pictures and hopefully they will post them on their site and I can stick them on the blog. We'll be popping in for more radio visits from time to time. They are such wonderful people.
Meigan really misses her sissy and Lolo (Logan). She calls for them all the time.
When they talk to her on the phone, she can't understand where they are. She keeps looking in the phone. Her new thing to do to me now if she doesn't like what I'm saying is sticking her fingers in her ears so she can't hear me. Jennifer doesn't do it to me so she must have picked it up on her own! Probably thinking I liked it better before my tubes! Hard not to laugh when she does it!

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Merry Christmas, Bubby

Dear Matt,
It's still so hard to believe you won't be with us for Christmas. In 32 years, we have never had a Christmas without you. What I wouldn't give to have you waiting secretly for me to come out of a room and shock me with those horendous speedos you were wearing last year! Or, running up to my van with Mike's Michael Meyers mask on!
You are missed more than we can even put into words. Somehow we've muddled through the holidays, but it's just not the same. My Christmas wish for you is that you are at peace and surrounded by God's infinite love as you spend your first Christmas in Heaven. I feel your presence all the time, little bro'. Logan and Jennifer are so lucky they had you for an uncle and we will always tell Meigan about her guardian angel.
We love you always and forever:)

Steff, Scott, Logan, Jennifer, Meigan, Mom and Dad

Thursday, December 21, 2006

The "Baby Whisperer" visit and New dresses!

Shopped till she dropped!

Tues. afternoon we had our first visit from Carol, who is an infant/toddler developmental specialist. Scott calls her the baby whisperer and after her first visit, the title fits! She is awesome! So full of information about Meigan's patrticular behaviors, speech delays, etc. She gave us so much insite about things Meigan has probably had to deal with in China. One thing I am so guilty of is comparing her to other 2 yr. olds, or what my 2 were doing at her age. She basically said I have to stop that. There is such a difference in a child who has had a loving, nurturing environment from day 1 as opposed to a child who has their basic needs met but little else due to the number of other children that are in orphanages there, too. I know this, I do. Must not compare! Even with her being fostered, we have no idea if she was bounced around or what her foster was like. I can tell you though her fine motor skills are better than Logan and Jennifer's were at 2. Carol was very encouraged by Meigan's personality and her attempt at speech. She said her speech is at the jabber stage right now, but when it comes look out! She is basically starting speech from scratch because due to her hearing loss before tubes and then exposed to a whole new language she will need time to digest it all and experiment with new sounds. Her maturity level will also catch up with time and comprehension of language. It really is amazing to see just how far she has come in 3 months. I can't wait to see what the future holds for her. I know it would have been bleak in China.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Mele Kolikimaka! (Merry Christmas in Hawaiian! )

The kids are dressed in their Hawaiian clothes that they got from Gaga and Pop-Pop on their recent trip to Hawaii.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Santa Visits Jennifer's Class

Hey, Sissy, Who is this guy anyway?

This morning Jennifer's pre-k class had a visit from Santa so I was able to get a few pics. Meigan sat right down with the kids on the floor and watched. She got to sit on Santa's lap Sat. when Logan's school had a holiday fest. Surprisingly, she wasn't scared and went right up to him. I have no pics of Logan or Jenn at 2 years with Santa because they were so afraid.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Out Cold at 8 p.m..

Today was a busy day for us. Jennifer had started complaining about her ear hurting yesterday and like a good mom I said I'm sure it's fine and that was that. This morning she woke up with "yuck" draining from it so I knew we were probably in for another dr. visit. Yesterday was dr. for Meigan and dentist for Logan and Jenn. Our favorite pediatrician, Dr. Osborne, left to move to Mississippi because the cost of living is cheaper and closer to family, (boy, can I sympathize!)So we had yet to try the new Dr. that replaced him. So we're at the dr.'s for almost 2 hrs. for the nurse to see Jennifer for 2 min. Where's the dr? I wasn't impressed. So looks like we will be on the hunt once again for a new pediatrician.
This afternoon, the people from Early Steps came to do Meigan's developmental assessment. I was apprehensive about scheduling in the afternoon because Meigan can tend to get cranky close to nap time, but otherwise it wouldn't be till after Christmas. Three very nice ladies observed and played with Meigan, that was actually part of the test. Some things she cooperated with, some not. At one point, she was done and got on her little riding car and wanted nothing more to do with them. A lot of the test had to do with asking me questions about her anyway. So, she did qualify for early intervention in speech and cognitive, Which involves language. She scored above in motor skills and they said for her only being here 2 1/2 months, she is doing quite well and adapting nicely. In a few weeks, a child developmental specialist will visit us and do things with Meigan to help her with her delays. I believe it will be on a weekly basis. So, by the time they left, it was too late for a nap and I knew by the way she was acting, we were in for a very whiney evening! Eight o'clock couldn't come fast enough!
On a good note though, Meigan had her post-op with the ENT yesterday, and we redid the hearing test in the sound proof room and she passed! Her hearing has definitely improved and he will see her again in 6 months.

Friday, December 01, 2006

Oh Christmas Tree!

Hanging my first Christmas ornament!

Tonight I decided to muster up some Christmas spirit and put our tree up. Jennifer has been bugging me about it since before Thanksgiving and I've just been in a bah humbug kinda mood about this Christmas. This probably being Meigan's first ever Christmas, I knew the lights and ornaments would facinate her. It didn't take long before she was right in there with hanging ornaments! I pretty much let her and Jenn have at it, (which you can guess where most of the ornaments were placed!) Logan missed out, but for good reason, he went with a neighbor friend to see the movie "The Nativity". He can't wait for me to see it.
We also spent all day at the beach today so the girls and I are pretty tired and a little pink. I did think of all of my northern friends and family while down there, you know, that I wish you could be here, too!
On another note, my parents arrived safely in Honolulu,HA an hr. ago. They will be there for 2 weeks. Lucky ducks!