Thursday, July 31, 2008

Surgery is over!

Meigan had her surgery this morning around 8 am. She did fine and is now sporting a new little button nose:) It's truly amazing what doctors can do. She has slept most of the day and is now up and about and playing in the playroom. The doctor said her septum was severely deviated thus completely blocking her left airway. Right now she has packing in that nostril and will have to keep it plugged for 2 weeks or so to let it keep it's nice round shape. When it's said and done she will be breathing like never before i'm sure. If she does ok in the morning, we can keep her at my parent's hotel right down the street and bring her back Sunday to remove the packing.
We will have to come back in 2 weeks for a post-op visit. The Shriner's hospital is second to none. They have been wonderful and we feel humbled compared to other children we have seen here.


t~ said...

So glad for Meigan!

Thanks for the update. We miss you down here in the hot, humid south!

~ Alison said...

Great news! Hope she makes a quick recovery . . . keep us posted.

Anonymous said...

Great news...can't wait to see pictures of Meigan with her new button nose. Love to all of you.

Anonymous said...

Yeah Miss Meigan!!! Miss Arien and I were talking about you this morning. We are getting the classroom ready for you to come back in a few weeks!!!

Can't wait to see you!!!

Miss Lowry