Saturday, February 23, 2008

Birthday Singer for Hire!

And if you're lucky, she'll throw in a name! I just happened to catch her singing her favorite song while she was taking her bath. Usually she starts in the car and of course I don't have the camera and couldn't get her while driving anyway! I can't help but think just over 6 months ago or so, she was barely putting 2 words together. She uses sentences now,(granted not always intelligible), but what a long way she has come! We can always understand, "I want to watch Cinderella"!


Anonymous said...

What a wonderful voice she has! I can see a new "American Idol" in the making!!!

~ Alison said...

Oh WOW! Her speech has come SO far!! Cute & amazing =)

Anonymous said...

How cute!! She speaks better than Hannah, lol.

Donna said...

So wonderful to hear a little cleft baby making such wonderful clear words. My little one is about to have her first palate surgery and I can't wait to hear her speak! Thanks for the inspiration.