Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Dr. Visits

Not a fun day for Meigan or myself today. This morning we went to the ear, nose, and throat specialist, Dr. Donaldson. He looked in her ears and tryed to clean them, but really to no avail. We then had to go to another room. I had to lay Meigan on the table and practically lay across her as the nurse held her head still and the dr. looked through a microscope thing to better see inside her ears. During which, Meigan was screaming bloody murder! He got very little out saying material was so inbedded it would be impossible to clean with her awake. Then we went down the hall for her hearing test. Took her a few minutes to calm down before we could even attempt it. Meigan and I went into a little soundproof room where she sat on my lap. Speakers and stuffed toys were on each side of us. The audiologist would say things or send sounds to try to get her to look which way the sound was coming from. She pretty much failed that test. She can hear loud sounds but nothing low or normal speaking tones. Could definately be the reason for her speech deficiancy.
She couldn't even hear chinese correctly so makes sense why she has no language other than her baby garble.
Because of the mess in her ears and with the hearing, Dr. Donaldson wants the tubes put in her ears asap. She needs antibiotics to clear up her sinus infection first and her tube surgery will be Fri. ,Nov. 17 in Ft. Myers. We will have to be there pretty early. That was the day my parents, Jennifer, Meigan and I were planning to head north. We probably still will. Procedure lasts about 15-20 min. Went through the same thing with Jennifer and she was fine.
Our next dr. visit this afternoon was to the dentist. She fell asleep on the way there and stayed asleep until she woke up on the papoose board and was wrapped up like a cacoon! Time to scream again! This time she was having two composite fillings on her front teeth. Nothing painful, but scary for her. She walked out with a purple plastic dolphin and a smile so I guess I didn't traumatise her too much! Long day anyway, to say the least.


t~ said...

Oh wow! She's got to be thinking "America the not so great".... poor thing. She's been through the ringer.

Anonymous said...

God bless her heart...and yours...sounds like quite a day. Another adventure down and a couple more to go; but, I know you will all do fine. God brings you to it and He will bring you through it.

Maureen said...

Hi Stephanie! So glad that I found your blog (via Alison and Mali's). Sounds like you have had a lot going on since we left you in Chicago. I'm glad that Logan is okay and that Meigan is adapting well. Olivia was so excited to see her picture on my computer today! If you'd like to see what we've been up to, please visit our blog at

Pug Mama said...

Hi Stephanie, Just wanted to say wahat a pleasure it was to meet you. Your daugters are beautiful!!!!!