Monday, May 15, 2006

It's All in the Name

Thought I would take a minute and explain the name change from Samantha to Meigan. We were originally set on calling the baby Samantha. It was a name that Scott had wanted for Jennifer, and since this would be the Conley's last grandchild, our next little girl would share her name with her grandpa Sam. In the meantime, we nicknamed the baby Mei Mei, (pronounced May May). It means "little sister" in Chinese. I also had joined aYahoo group for parents of adopted children with cleft lip/palate. Some questions would come up about naming their child since cleft children have speech issues with certain letters. "S" was a sound that could be hard to pronounce in her name. The "m" sound was an easier one. This got me thinking. We call her Mei Mei anyway, how could we incorporate Mei Mei into an American name, too? Having a Logan already it wasn't long before I came up with the name Meigan. Part chinese,(Mei itself means beautiful), part American. I asked Scott what he thought and we agreed she would be named Meigan Samantha.
Hope everyone had a wonderful Mother's Day yesterday :)

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