Sunday, April 27, 2008

Mall Madness!

There are 5 girls here, but 1 ended up going with her mom and older sister.
Jenn getting strapped up for the bungee jumping.
Enjoying a 2 am ice-cream break!

This Friday night (into Sat. Morning) the Girl Scouts up here had a night called Mall Madness at the biggest mall in Chattanooga. It is a lock-in from 10pm until 5 am. Alot of the stores stay open for this event as it is quite a money maker. Jennifer is a Daisy Scout this year and wasn't about to miss out on this. In our Daisy troop there were 3 moms and 4 girls. We got there around 10pm and the girls had a blast shopping,eating,jumping and even had a star makeover at Libby Lu's (which I had never heard of till we moved). We thought the girls would wear down but at 4 am Jenn and her friends were doing cartwheels around the mall! We got home around 5:45 and slept till noon. The things we do for our kids! At first I wasn't looking to forward to it, but it felt nice to have a girls' night out and get to know the other moms better. Next year we won't stay as long since most of the stores closed at 2 am.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Dragon Boat Races '08

>This weekend Chattanooga had their annual Dragon boat Races to benefit the children's hospital. The weather was perfect and they were fun to watch. Dragon boat racing goes way back into Chinese history. The kids were also introduced to grass sledding. You basically take a piece of cardboard and slide down the hill. Meigan was fearless and started going down head first after a while.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Bon Voyage!

Yesterday my parents,Grandma,and aunt left for a 17 day trip that includes a trans-atlantic cruise to Ireland, England and France. What I wouldn't give to throw all my cares and worries to the sea for 2 1/2 weeks! I was told my grandma played her first ever game of miniature golf today on the ship. Making memories for sure.
On the down side,
I once again had Logan at the urgent care last night for his throat. He has strep again, I'm beginning to wonder if he ever got rid of it a couple of weeks ago. This time he had to get 2 shots and boy was he upset with me. God willing, we will make it to May 22nd without a dr. visit each week until then!
Trying to think happy thoughts!!!!!

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Yikes! I guess it's been awhile!

"Who's the princess?"
"I am!"

I just noticed that I last posted right after Easter! The last few weeks we've been dealing with a lot of sickness. Mainly with Logan and Jennifer. Logan has had the worst of it and is scheduled to have his tonsils and adnoids removed on May 22nd. This was something we were in a wait and see mode with ever since he was so sick when we came home from China. Our Dr. in Naples told us it will probably have to be done and our new Dr. agrees. Not something Logan is thrilled about, but he's tired of being sick all the time with a sore throat.
Jenn and Meigan are doing ok. Meigan's teacher called me this morning to tell me Meigan fell and hit her head in the bathroom. She's got quite a knot, I guess. I talked to her on the phone and she said , " I hurt my head. I fall in the bathroom. I Ok." I love listening to her talk. Her speech and vocabulary keep getting better all the time. We're now at about 75-80% intelligibility with speech. Some things mommy understands that others don't. As you can see in the pictures, she is such a princess thanks to big sis's help!
Sorry again for the long delay:) I want to at least get updates in twice a month.