Sunday, April 29, 2007

Water park fun!

Yesterday afternoon was Scott's County picnic at the new water park. The kids had a blast as you can see from the pictures. Couldn't seem to catch Jennifer this time, but was glad to finally get Logan in there. He's a very proud big brother, and cared less about hanging out in the kiddie pool when he could've been doing the slides instead.
Off the subject, but cute, went shopping tonight with the girls, all of a sudden Meigan breaks into her loudest rendition of Barney's "I love you" song.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Yikes, Another week has snuck by!

This is what a day of school, a 2hr. speech eval., and potty-training will do to you! She literally crashed last night!

We have had our usual busy week this week. Meigan has been doing better with potty training, though I would like to just take the word potty out of my vocabulary. I have lost track how many times I must say it in one day!
Everyone has been well so far, too, which is a blessing! It was nice to have a day when we didn't have to be anywhere. Course, I used it to clean up the house. No fun!

Sunday, April 15, 2007

National Champions!

Proud of her medal!
Hard to see, but this is when they announced the 1st place team and Jenn's team receiving their medals.
Took this one just to show how big the stadium looked and how little they look!
Jenn is the one at the top of the pyramid, yes my heart stops every time!

Yesterday was Jennifer's last cheerleading competition for the season. It was in Tampa, Fl. at the Sundome. The place was huge! I really thought the her team would be overwhelmed by the size and all the people, but they did great and took 1st place out of 8 other teams in their division (4-6 yrs. old)! There were teams from all over Florida and out of state. I was holding my breath and squeezing the heck out of Scott's hand as they announced the places. Scott is nearly deaf from my screaming:) Can't help it, those little ones worked their tails off !
We also enjoyed watching the bigger teams as the stunts get more difficult. I would be a nervous wreck with some of the things those kids do!

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Update on today's transition meeting

Well it's good news and bad news. Good news is Meigan will almost definitely qualify for speech through the public schools when she is 3. Bad news, my hopes of her going full time to school next year in the public school pre-k are diminishing. Since her only real deficit is speech and nothing else she would not qualify. She does have a full eval. coming up in June that will determine for sure what services she will receive. Believe me I'm happy she is a smart little cookie. Now I just need new options for the fall. One of which is going back to work somewhere full-time so we can afford pre-school tuition, which is very pricey here and wait listed years ahead! She is doing so well where she is now, but once they turn 3, it becomes everyday from 8:30 to 1 pm and expensive. Would be hard to find something with those hours as far as working. So now I don't know. There's also the possibility that the positions Scott applied for in Atlanta ( I know I didn't mention that!)may come through. Ugh, who ever said life is easy!

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Update on insurance

I did get the insurance issue with Meigan's speech therapy resolved, finally. I actually got through to someone who understood and she put a note through to medical review to put a rush on it since Meigan has missed over 2 weeks of therapy.
We also have a meeting tomorrow with the school system regarding Meigan transitioning into the public schools pre-school in the fall. Her speech therapy would then be done through them. Hoping all goes well:)

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Spring Break Fun!

We have had a busy week enjoying Disney World and Seaworld in Orlando. The girls and I went with my parents and everyone had a great time. I have more pics than this that my mom took so hope to get them up soon. The guys are due back tonight from their trip to Tn. They spent the week at my parents'place in Gatlinburg. They even got snow which made them very happy! Hard to believe the week is gone! I'm ready for summer! Have a wonderful Easter!