I am!
Yesterday was Meigan's follow-up appt. with Dr. Stelnicki, her craniofacial surgeon, that has repaired her palate and lip. After waiting in the room for seemed like an hr, (which ain't pretty with a tired and hungry 2 year old!) He finally came in the room to see the progress on her lip. He still saw more thick scar tissue than should be, so even though I have been diligent with massaging her lip, she needed a steroid injection to help break up the tissue. Not what I wanted to hear. She was SO good laying on the table opening her mouth cause that's just become habit for her.
Only the injection was to go straight into the lip. You can only imagine how I felt at the end of the table holding her legs cause I knew what was to come. The PA was quick, but darn I know it hurt. Meigan didn't get as upset as I thought she would and she insisted she hold the gauze on her lip. After drying her tears, we walked out with a pretty pony sticker and she even blew a kiss to the shot lady. Only long enough to quickly put the guaze back on her lip. Unfortunately, she goes back for another injection the end of April. As far as further surgeries, the Dr. wants to wait another year before doing her nose. Fine with me. I wouldn't want to do something too soon only to possibly have to do it again when she is older.
We are also having issues with our insurance regarding her speech therapy. Our insurance will not cover developmental delays but does cover CL/CP issues. They have denied payment on a month's worth of therapies because it is being coded under DD, no mention of cleft lip/palate. Seems like a pretty resolvable issue, right?
Wrong. I have been on the phone with so many people and all I can say is incompetence! I have faxed her medical records with the correct wording so hopefully it will be resolved. We've been going 2 months and we are well over 2 grand already, so until we get the matter fixed, we've had to cancel. She loves going and I won't go down without a fight!