Friday, June 23, 2006

A few questions answered

I had emailed CAWLI, (China Adoption with Love, Inc. ), our agency, with a couple questions about Meigan we were hoping to find out before we get her. I wasn't expecting a quick response, but I'll take it! We asked if she still takes a bottle and does she sleep in a crib or bed?
We also asked for new measurements , but to no avail.

The update is: Currently she drinks from a cup, no longer uses bottles. ( I wasn't concerned about her being on a bottle still. We just needed to know because she would have required special cleft nipples).
She sleeps with her foster parents and sometimes sleeps in her own bed. Thank goodness we have a big bed! Now, there will be two between us from time to time! Maybe she and Jennifer can become couch buddies! Jennifer is hardly ever in her bed either!
We didn't ask if she was in foster care, but it was answered for us in the update due to her sleeping arrangement.
Will keep you posted as we go!

Monday, June 19, 2006

We have a LID !

I just received an email today from our agency that the CCAA ( China Center of Adoption Affairs) had received our dossier and we were logged in on June 7, 2006. This date is where we start the official time frame from till we get our travel approval. Usually 2 months from LID.
Could be sooner or later, but 2 months would be the average. When you're waiting for something this special, even a week seems like forever, but I going to try and keep busy prepairing for our rummage sale on July 8th. This is our big fundraising project to raise money for travel expenses. Keeping our fingers crossed we have a good turn out!

Friday, June 09, 2006

Comments anyone?

By request, for anyone wanting to leave a comment just click on the word comment at the bottom of the message. Don't click on the envelope. It's for emailing the post to someone.
When you get to the comment page, type your comment, click on other if you do not have a blog account, type your name, click on publish comment :)

Have a great weekend!!

Monday, June 05, 2006

Pictures of Meigan

These pictures are the ones I received with Mei Mei's file.
She is around 17 months here, taken in Feb. '06. We're assuming these are taken at the orphanage, though she may have been in foster care earlier due to her tan complexion. (Foster babies are outside more thus getting more sun.) It's hard to see, but in the photo to the left, she has tears in her eyes :(